Mya was sound asleep, snoring and wiped out! Roddy must have thought it was cute because he grabbed the camera and shot these. This is how she sleeps most of the time. She is Queen of the Couch!

Help, I can't stop the clippers!!!
Mya was looking very sexy in her new doo, until I got to her legs! I didn't realize how matted they really were. I guess all the swimming, pine gum, burrs and unidentified things in her fur caused it to be so bad. And of course, I always have good intentions on brushing her, but when you are on holidays, who feels like doing work? I will let it grow in and start the Giant pattern all over again. I hope it doesn't take too long! Although, I did do a pretty good job on her head. So, introducing Mya, the Giant Stick Dog!
This is the before shot....stay tuned!