Tuesday, June 09, 2009

She loves our walks

And why wouldn't she love our walks? She gets to run, swim, chase things and usually meet other dogs.
She was looking for ducks in the creek that were there earlier.

A quick dip in the creek always cools her off. Sometimes a puddle will do.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

In the same spot as last year

I took a picture of Mya in this same spot last year. I love these purple flowers/weeds.
She's watching for squirrels

Sniffing through the grass

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Starting our walk off at the park across the road from us.

Below: Sniffing the trails
Below: Running along a backyard fence. There's a dog on the other side. Harley following along.
Below: Checking out the squirrels in the yard.
Below: Exploring the scents

Friday, March 13, 2009


It's funny how a dog can be happy with just a plain old stick!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Should I admit it?

Ok, here goes..... I'm a fan of Dog Whisperer!

I have to admit that I had heard so many negative things about this guy so I didn't even bother watching a show to gather my own opinion. I happened to be flicking through the channels and saw the show and thought I would see what it is all about. Surprisingly, it's a great show. He doesn't have "tricks" that he uses. It's based on what a dog should be in a pack.

I have used a few of his suggestions and they have worked for Mya. The first one was the control at the front door. When someone knocks, she goes nuts and I couldn't answer the door without holding her in one hand to stop her from running out the door while talking to the person at the door. With a few suggestions, she now sits back and waits while I answer the door. Big improvement.

I think with any show, it's up to you to decide what will work for you and to make your own opinion and not care what anyone else thinks.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Always in position

She always seems to plant her butt in a place where a hand is within reach. Even during the World Junior hockey game.