Monday, December 24, 2007

The Gingerbread House

I have never built a Gingerbread house before. Avery wanted to make one this year so I thought we could do that Christmas Eve. So I bought a kit. It was $10 and had everything you needed in it.
Here is Avery getting the icing ready. Mya is pretending to look out the window.

They even have an E-Z Build tray. It holds all your pieces upright. That's pretty cool.
Here are all the sides put together. They said to wait 15 minutes before decorating it. So we did.
Well, as we were waiting, the roof slid off! Mya was just waiting to have her piece. There is nothing to support the heavy roof once the icing decoration was on.

So, we tried a few different things and nothing worked. Some pieces even broke! So we decided to decorate it and declare that it was hit by a tornado!

Well, so much for that idea. Next...... baking cookies!!!!

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